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Based in Somerset, UK, Broadleigh Gardens has been leading the field in the propagation and mail-order retail of small bulbs for over 40 years. We are a Family-run business and you can be assured of top quality bulbs from us and a personal service.



These are popular winter - early spring flowering bulbs (they are really corms) and are easy to grow in any sunny well drained soil, being summer dormant they can be grown under deciduous trees where there is plenty of light and moisture in the early spring. Many can be naturalised in grass and will spread to form very large colonies.
Crocus corms produce small cup shaped flowers in all shades of blue, purple and white. Their narrow leaves have a central silver stripe. The smaller species crocus such as Tommasinianus and Chrysanthus have small flowers whereas the later flowering Dutch crocus have much larger flowers. All crocus spread by seeding or by producing small offset corms.
Plant in the autumn 4-6" deep and 2" apart in a well drained soil. Mice are the main problem as they love the corms. Deep planting and tidying away the loose papery tunics from the surface will deter them. Wire netting can also be used. Established colonies and the small corms of Tommasinianus do not seem to suffer.
Also perfect early bulb for planting in containers. They flower before the other bulbs and their leaves are small enough not to be a nuisance.